Marcus Licinius Crassus

Marcus Licinius Crassus Bust

Marcus Licinius Crassus

Life: 115 – 53 BC Crassus grew up as the son of a consul and distinguished general.His career to fame and phenomenal wealth began as he started purchasing the houses …

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Lucius Cornelius Sulla Bust


Life: 138-78 BC Name: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Lucius Cornelius Sulla stemmed from a good, though not very wealthy Roman family. He came to prominence most of all in the Social …

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Gaius Gracchus

Gaius Gracchus

Life: 159-121 BC After the violent death of Tiberius Gracchus, the Gracchus family wasn’t finished yet. Gaius Gracchus, a flamboyant and powerful public speaker, was to be a far more …

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Tiberius Gracchus

Tiberius Gracchus

Life: 168-133 BC Tiberius and his brother Gaius Gracchus were to be two men who should become famous, if not infamous, for their struggle for the lower classes of Rome. …

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The Late Roman Republic

Period: 123 – 23 BC The story of the late Roman republic is essentially a tragic one. Yet the various causes for the demise of the republic are far from …

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Cato the Elder Bust

Cato the Elder

Life: 234-149 BC Also known as “Cato the Censor“ The progress from quaestor to consul via offices of aedile and praetor was a natural one and came more quickly to …

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The Battle of Cynoscephalae

Had Roman involvement in Illyria and the Macedonian alliance with Carthage in the Second Punic War (right after Cannae!) not made Rome and Macedon the best of friends, then peace …

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The Battle of Zama

The Battle of Zama in the summer of 202 BC marked the end of the power of the great Hannibal Barca. With its greatest son, also Carthage should be at …

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The Battle of Ilipa

The Battle of Ilipa in 206 BC was in my opinon Scipio’s masterpiece. If Rome had ten years earlier been terribly defeated at Cannae by Hannibal, then Scipio had spent …

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The Battle of Cannae

The Battle of Cannae in the summer of 216 BC is a milestone in Roman history. It was Hannibal’s finest hour and forced the Romans to learn a painful lesson. …

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Carthage is indisputable of key importance to Roman history. The first great imperial opponent of Rome, they took the Romans to the very brink of defeat. The battles in the …

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The Twelve Tables

The Roman code of the Twelve Tables lasted as long as the Roman Empire itself. Though more importantly, they represented a written code which applied right across the social scale …

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The Early Roman Republic

Period: 510 – 124 BC The Latin words res publica which are perhaps best translated as ‘public affairs’ are the source of today’s term ‘republic’. The Revolt against King Tarquin …

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